Natural swimming pool Borek

Natural swimming pool Borek

The natural swimming pool Borek is located in a peaceful area on U Studánky Street in the village of Borek.

The natural swimming pool Borek is located in a tranquil area near Mojský les (Mojský forest) and the Kyselá voda stream. It serves both as a place for relaxation and recreation, as well as for sports activities during the summer months. The water cleanliness is maintained through biological filtration lagoons without chemical additives, making it suitable even for those with allergies.

For the youngest visitors, there is a paddling pool and a children's playground, while older visitors can enjoy a natural pool with a depth of up to 3.6 meters, a relaxation pier, and a diving board. On hot days, chilled beverages and light refreshments can be enjoyed comfortably on the terrace of the local refreshment stand overlooking the swimming pool.

For those seeking sports activities, the swimming pool area offers a beach volleyball court. Adjacent to the swimming pool area, there is a public street hockey court available during the summer months, which transforms into a public ice skating rink during the winter.


From June to September, the natural swimming pool Borek is open from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, If the weather is good.

Entrance fee

Admission (from 1.6.2022):

Basic all-day admission fees apply Monday through Sunday.100 Kč
Reduced basic admission fees apply after 4:00 PM.70 Kč
Reduced basic admission fees apply after 8:00 PM.  0 Kč
Children up to 7 years old accompanied by parents or an adult personZdarma
Children aged 8-15, students, retirees, and holders of ZTP (Severely Disabled) and ZTPP (Severely Disabled with a Guide) cards - all-day admission Monday to Sunday 60 Kč