Kratochvíle Renaissance Chateau

Kratochvíle Renaissance Chateau

Renaissance pearl of Italian architecture in Bohemia

This chateau is a Renaissance pearl of Italian architecture in Bohemia and is absolutely unique for late 16th century Bohemia.

One of the technical curiosities of this original hunting lodge is that it was built on alder and oak piles which gradually fossilized in the swampy terrain. The wild game park around the castle was one of the largest in Bohemia, and several villages were sacrificed for it. The Rožmberks bred stallions, deer, camels, and even a buffalo and an elephant here. Today, it is an example of a uniquely preserved Renaissance landscape, and a proposal has been submitted for the declaration of the Protected Landscape Heritage Zone of Netolice. An interesting technical monument is the remains of the artificial canal Krčínka, which led water to the chateau to drive various attractions in the garden and is an example of the master craftsmanship of its builders.

The Kratochvíle Chateau has undergone a thorough restoration in the past years, resulting in a fundamental transformation of the interior of the Renaissance villa. The entire process centered around the motto “Renaissance of the Renaissance” and has resulted in the Kratochvíle Chateau looking now very close to its appearance at the time of its creation, at the time of Vilém of Rožmberk and his brother Petr Vok. The chateau offers a beautiful tour of not only the Renaissance interiors of the villa and the church, but also a garden with herb beds and a water moat. The “Elephant Bastion” now houses a stylish patisserie and a restaurant in the front area of the chateau. It is also a favorite place for holding wedding ceremonies. There are a number of cultural events held here regularly, such as the Theater Summer in the evening hours of the chateau gardens. The entire chateau and garden are a popular location for their quiet and intimate atmosphere.