Třeboň - square and historical center

Třeboň - square and historical center

The square surrounded by burgher houses with Renaissance and Baroque shields is the natural center of the town's history

The Masaryk Square, surrounded by burgher houses with Renaissance and Baroque shields, is the natural center of the entire town's historical preserve. Both houses have the same number of houses - 13. The two houses on the square (No. 86 and 89) still have a Gothic foundation, the other medieval houses were destroyed by a fire in 1562. They were newly built in Renaissance style. Most homes have altered their appearance after the fires of 1723 and 1781.

The most important object on the square is the old town hall from 1566. In 1638 a massive four-storied tower, 31 meters high, was added to it. From her fourth-floor gallery there is a beautiful view of the surroundings. Together with the church tower, the city is dominated.

On the upper side of the square, to the left of the gate to the castle, is the so-called Ruthard House, the original town hall. On his ground floor was the town brewery. After the construction of the new town hall, the Ruthard House was connected to the castle. The nearby houses No. 106 and 107 function as the Golden Star Hotel.

From the houses on the opposite side of the square stands out the hotel White Horse, which is at the same time one of the first documents of Renaissance style in the city. Its existence is documented already in 1544.

Very interesting is house no. 89 with preserved Gothic elements and Renaissance vaults on the ground floor. Štěpánek Netolický lived there. Of all the houses in the square, this house is the least affected by the rebuilding of the fire in 1562. At present, there is the Center of the Třeboň Fishpond Heritage, which was opened in January 2016.

The eastern side of the square is closed by the Gate of Hradec, whose core dates back to 1525 - 1527, when the gate became part of an improved city fortification.

In the middle of the square there is a Renaissance ten-stone stone fountain, the work of the Jordan stonemason from 1569.

Next to the fountain there is a Baroque Marian column from 1780. It is the work of the mason of Ceske Budejovice, Leopold Huber. On the slender pyramid stands the statue of the Virgin Mary, on the pedestal is added statues of St. Josef, sv. Vojtěcha and sv. Elizabeth. Some sculptural elements already belong to Classicism.

At the Husova Street estuary, one of the two ring roads that connected to the main road and facilitated access to the back tracts of narrow plots on the square. The extension of Husova Street at the Church of St. Yilji is the remains of a cemetery, canceled during the reign of Joseph II. and transferred to St. Elizabeth on the outskirts of town. Hrazova Street is the mouth of Březanova Street, which has preserved its historical character.

This Renaissance house No. 118 with a sgraffito facade from 1606 stands out in this street. This house was built by Petr Vok of Rožmberk to house a family library, picture gallery and archive. On the ground floor was Rosenberg archivist and historian Václav Březan. There is also a baroque house No. 8 in Březanská Street. On its shield we can see the fresco of the Holy Trinity.

The eastern castle gate can be reached on the short Krčnov Street, which leads to Žižkovo náměstí, the south side of which closes the Svinen Gate with arched shields and sgraffito decoration. Communication passing through the gate outside the city leads to the other - the Novohradská Gate, built in the first half of the 16th century. Access to it is limited by a wall of walls on both sides.

On the western edge of the historic center is the Budějovická Gate from 1611.

On the southern side of the city center there is the Třeboň brewery with buildings from the second half of the 19th century. Regent beer is boiled with traditional technology, only natural ingredients are used to produce. On the same side of the city there are preserved to this day part of the city walls with several supporting bastions. They are well visible from the dam of the Pond World.