Views of Bechyně

Discover Bechyně by historical train or from the path full of views.

The town of Bechyně, situated at the confl uence of the river Lužnice and brook Smutná, is famous mainly for is production of ceramics and also for local spas. The most significant monument is the castle which got its current appearance as a result of the construction activities of Petr Vok of Rožmberk. Other dominant monuments are the Franciscan monastery and Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with its unique Late Gothic cellar vaults. Nearby you can find a significant technical monument – a reinforced concrete arch bridge called the “Bechyně Rainbow” from 1928. The town is currently a famous spa resort. In the local spa you can mainly cure musculoskeletal diseases with use of peat baths and compresses.

You can make a trip to Bechyně by Historical Railway from Tábor to Bechyně.
The railway from Tábor to Bechyně was the fi rst electrifi ed railway track on the territory of former Austria-Hungary. The plan of the railway connection from Tábor to Bechyně comes from the end of the 19th century. In the same period, František Křižík made his experiments with electrical drive on the railway. In the summer months, you can make trips by regular and special
trains that are driven with historical vehicles as part of the Summer at Bechyňka.

Views of Bechyně trail

Take a path full of views on the town - you will see Rainbow bridge, monastery and the castle on the high rock over Lužnice river.
Path: You start at train station and you cross the Rainbow bridge - take green tourist path full of views - take yellow tourist path on bridge in Zářečí - go up the stairs to the castle.