Out of town to the castle Divci Kamen in Vltava canyon

Fritsch trail on foot and by train marked in red, 18-kilometer-long hiking trail.

Route Information

The trail, after which we head, called Fritsch trail (see explanation of the title. Below). The trail begins at the church. James Boršov nad Vltavou and continue to go along the red trail. Mark leads the whole time on the left bank of the Vltava river, very romantic canyon of the meandering river, which is also a protected natural monument "by the PP Vltava Blanský forest". The only detour from the route length of approximately 10 km is located about 1 km from the beginning, leading to the oval tvrzišti medieval lords of Borsov the thirteenth century and the monument US pilot Force Cpt. RF Reuter, shot down in 1945. If the red marks sidetrack you, leads you after about three hours of walking interspersed with magnificent views of the river and the countryside in the area directly beneath the ruins of a medieval castle Divci Kamen.

In summer you can swim in the river or wave to boaters who are around you will pass. Just before you reach the ruins (400 m), pass remains unique power of the twenties of the last century, which destroyed a five-ton boulder in the fall of 1980. Water from the reservoir Křemežský creek beside the desk carved directly into the neck Granulite headland. After visiting the castle ruins Girls Rock, perched on a rocky promontory flowing around three sides Křemežský Stream and the Vltava River, you can choose several options for how to proceed. Either you go further along the red trail shortest route (about 1 km) to the train station to Třísov or slightly longer route trails (about 2.5 km) valley of the Křemže stream to the train station in Holubov. Both the train station is on track Czech Budejovice - Black Cross, so you can easily go by train back to the Czech Budejovice. More demanding tourists can continue Fritsch trail that leads down the red trail to Plešovice or to the Golden Crown (about 6 km).


Families with children can continue about 1 km along the red trail in the direction Třísov the same train stop. Along the way you still can see the Celtic settlement Třísov, one of the most important prehistoric monuments of South Bohemia. About 200 m from the settlement, there is Třísovská linden memorial tree planted at the same time apparently with the construction of the chapel r. 1777. Today, reaches a height of 31 mA at breast height measured the circumference of 7 m. Recently, the tribe limes grown up to masonry chapels and foundations refuted her so that she had to be transferred away.


If you want to still enjoy the natural beauty and sights of Blanský forest, you can walk the trails of the Třísov-Girls Stone Holubov-Křemže stream valley towards the village Holubov, where the train station and several restaurants (about 2.5 km). The trail features information panels leads around the nature reserve Holubovské hadce Aldorfovské and ironworks. In Holubov near the tanks located and Information Center Blanský Forest, which is open season for tourists.


Fritsch full length of the trail is a 16 km trail leads from Borsov nad Vltavou to the Golden Crown. If you have power and want to enjoy this path throughout its length, proceed from the castle ruins Girls stone over Třísov (refreshments) along the red trail through Plešovice (refreshments) until the Golden Crown. In the Golden Crown noteworthy Cistercian monastery, one of the most valuable Gothic monasteries in Central Europe.


For less experienced hikers it is possible to shorten the route to 12.5 km from Třísov stop or at 15 km from the station Plešovice train. Or 14 km, Dívčí Kámen continue to follow the yellow valley of the Křemže stream to the railway station Holubov, where several restaurants and Information Center.

Stop and attractions along the route:

Fritsch trail name - is named in honor of Ing. Emanuela Fritsche (1874 - 1956), Chief technical advice Czechoslovak State Railways, former chairman and chairman KČST Forest KČST Czech Budejovice, which is to build trails deserved. The entire trail consists of three parts, which were built up gradually. The first was from 1933-1935 fired hardest, 4 km long stretch from Borsov nad Vltavou to Jamné. In roce1936 disclosing the 7 km long stretch of the Dívčí Jamné Kameni. The last section, also a 7 km long, was opened in 1938 and ends in the Golden Crown. In 2010, the restored memorial plaque commemorating the construction of the trail. Some sections of rock had even had to wipe out the military engineering.

First Boršov nad Vltavou

Boršov nad Vltavou, village on the southwestern outskirts Czech Budejovice, is mainly known as a destination station and water sport enthusiasts who flock river from Cesky Krumlov or the Golden Crown. Borsov history dates back to the 13th century, the period from which they come and very well defined boršovského defensive walls of the castle on the left side of the river, as well as late-Gothic church building. James, with more than seven-meter fresco of St. Kitts and still functional bell from 1495. The visit is inspiring Parsonage Gardens visual objects, sets or renewed Habermann Glagolitic Path in the park behind the cemetery.

Opposite the camp "last stand" over the river in Pregnant by former mill, now known testarny Brothers stopper. The largest industrial pasta factory in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was built in 1884. Today the company owner Europasta SE is the third largest pasta manufacturer in the world.

2nd Castle Stone

Girls stone is a pearl among the medieval castles in the country. The massive ruins stands on a high rock above the confluence of the Křemže stream and the river. With the combination of a rock formation, meandering waterways and human intervention, this area is very rich botanical and zoological point of view. Therefore, the area of ​​the castle was declared a nature reserve, which is also part of Blanský Forest. Castle is likely to be abandoned since 1506, in 1541 mention it as a desert castle. Castle is open year round from sunrise to sunset.

3rd Gold Crown

Golden Crown (formerly Holy Crown, lat. Sancta Corona) is a village with a monastery located on the Vltava river north of Cesky Krumlov. The village is very attractive, especially for boaters as a place for an overnight stay while sailing on the Vltava River from Vyšší Brod across the Czech Krumlov in Borsov nad Vltavou. In the village there is a significant Cistercian medieval monastery Gold Crown, one of the most valuable Gothic monasteries in Central Europe. The historic part of town is a village zone.

4th Celtic Settlement Třísov

One of the most important prehistoric monuments of South Bohemia. It includes the southernmost posed by the Celtic fort in Bohemia. Huge Settlement of an area of ​​about 26 ha is located in a strategic location, about 120 m above the confluence of the Vltava and Křemžský creek near castle Divci Kamen. It was founded sometime after 150 BC. and disappeared after mid-1st century BC. According to archaeological research it is clear that it was burned and re-built. The Celts, who represented the Czech territory Boii tribe (hence the name Bohemia), achieved precisely in those days heyday.

5th Blanský les

FIELD extremely valuable preserved their structure, in their natural values, highland forests, flower meadows and many rare species of plants and animals. Exceptional in forests, especially upland mixed forests with a predominance of beech trees, whose leaves have Blanský forest in character and give it a unique charm in the fall. Meadows bloom and smells of summer and autumn thousands of orchid flowers.

6th Třísovská linden

Memorial tree, linden tree was probably planted at the same time building a chapel r., 1777, for which it stands. Today reaches a height of 31 m and at breast height measuring circuit 7 m (equivalent diameter of 2.2 m). Recently, the tribe has grown up to the chapel walls and foundations refuted her so that she had to be transferred away. Is located about 100 meters from the railway station towards Třísov Celtic oppidum (red trail, cycle 1127).

The route interactive map here .