Vitorazsko Memorial Nature Trail

Medium difficulty cycle length: 89 km

Number of panels: 29

Do you know what secrets Vitorazsko is hiding? The wild and mysterious border area in the upper Lužnice catchment area is full of rumors and interesting human destinies. The historical and educational cycling trail that will take you through this region begins at the castle in Nové Hrady and partly passes through the territory of the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Třeboňsko and the territory of Upper Austria.

The path is run by Novohradská civil society. The route leads along paved roads with asphalt surface and short stretches of forest paths. When passing through the town of Nové Hrady, České Velenice, the village of Suchdol nad Lužnicí and the section Jakule - Nové Hrady, care must be taken to increase the operation of trucks. The route is labeled with trail and spreadsheet spreadsheets. A printed guide is available at the New Castle City Cultural and Information Center.


1:  Nový zámek

2:  Pyhrabruck

3:  Hohenberg

4:  Unterlembach

5:  Dietmanns

6: Gmünd

7: České Velenice - Andělský vrch

8:  České Velenice

9:  České Velenice - Josefsko

10:  Nová Ves - Krabonoš

11:  Halámky - hraniční přechod

12:  Kunšach - Spáleniště

13:  Rapšach

14:  Na rozcestí

15:  Dračice

16:  Nová Huť

17:  Františkov

18:  Klikov

19:  Tušťský most

20:  Suchdol nad Lužnicí

21:  Tři Facky

22:  Hrdlořezy

23:  Dvory nad Lužnicí

24:  Hranice

25:  Blata

26:  Jakule

27: Byňov

28: Nakolice

29: Vyšné