By bike around Třeboň

Cycling through the pond landscape along one of the most important educational trails of Třeboňsko - Around Třeboň

Take a bicycle ride along one of the most important educational trails in the region of Třeboň, where you can learn about the natural, cultural and technical attractions that this exceptional countryside is worth. The "Around Třeboň" trail is a 39 km long circuit and consists of 22 stops with information boards in Czech and English. The trip is also suitable for families with children.

Which way?

We will start the journey in Třeboň on the dam of Svět pond - after CT 122 after the dam of Opatovický pond, around the Doubí Sport Camp, the Velké Stavidlo pond and the forest around the Barborka hut to the crossroad "Na Třeboňské cestě" - to the left "Rajská cesta" to the village Majdalena - Kosky - CT 1010 by the forest along the ponds of Kukla, New and Old Chantille to Lutova - to the left after CT 1035 along the ponds Malý and Velký Travičný, Šimků Černá and solitude U Řepů to Stříbroce - after CT 1035 via the New River, the dam of Stolec ponds, Nový a Starý A widower to Staré Hlíny - left on the first class road no. 34 - about 600 m to the right and along the blue mark around the pond of Vítek, across the Nová Hlína and around Kotěřova vodárna to the center of Třeboň.

Places of interest on the route:

Třeboň - a spa town that boasts a number of interesting historical sights. It is possible to visit the chateau - the former residence of the Rosenbergs and Schwarzenberks, the Baroque Theater of J. Kyll, the Church of the Virgin Mary of the Queen, Jiljí, House of Nature, Štěpánka Netolický House, Regent Brewery, etc. More at

The Pond Svět  (World) - the 14th largest pond of the Czech Republic is an inherent backdrop of Trebon. After its dam, it is only a short distance to the Schwarzenberg tomb. You can also take a trip around the World - a sightseeing cruise on the World Pond.

Majdalena - make a trip by swimming in Cepská pískovna - the cleanliness of the local water will surely surprise you

Lutová - one of the oldest villages in the Třeboň region. The first report dates back to 1349, when the Church of All Saints and Pharaohs was founded. The village is a village monument zone.

Stříbřec - the oldest building in the village is originally a fortress, later a farm of the Hofbauer family, often visited by Ema Destinnová. At the Stříbřecký Bridge there is a granite monument with an epitaph that Destinn wrote herself. Right next to it is a memorable oak bearing the name of this famous Czech opera singer.

Stará Hlína and the fairytale bridges - the stone 5-arched bridge over the pond of Vítek by J. Rosenauer, you can know from the fairytale scene when they were throwing in the water of the evil king and princess in the tale of Hell of Luck. In 1954 again in the fairy tale Once upon a time, a king from the bridge spilled a savvy salt into the water. In the immediate vicinity of the village there is another stone bridge from the same designer, but with 12 arches and 119 m long. Near Staré Hlíny you can see the largest Czech pond - Rožmberk with an impressive area of ​​489 hectares.

Pergola by St. Vitas - a pleasant place to relax and refreshment in the restaurant at the Zadní Kouty pond, in the sight of the chapel of St. The Victory was built at the place where the water miraculously healed and where the hermitage had been for many years.