Monastery of Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady
Monastery of Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady
Monastery of Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady
The Monastery of Divine Mercy in Nové Hrady was built in the vicinity of the church of St. Peter and Paul on the initiative of the local noble the Bucquoy Family. In 1677, Earl Ferdinand Bucquoy
invited monks from the Servite Order to Nové Hrady, and in the following year construction of an early Baroque monastery began, being completed in 1685. The monastery served its purpose
until 1945. Aft er World War II, twelve monks were transferred and the monastery became the headquarters for border guards. They devastated the monastery severely, then left because
the building did not satisfy their needs any more. The building further deteriorated until 1991. The renovation of the monastery in the 1990’s is associated with the eff orts of Father Bonfi lius.
His activities led not only to the renovation of the monastery building, but also to the return of spiritual values. Aft er the death of Father Bonfi lius in 2005, the community called the “Family
of Virgin Mary” followed the Marian tradition. The monastery premises are still open for all people of good will and is called the “House of Meeting”.
The Monastery of Divine Mercy is a part of the municipal heritage zone which also includes several other signifi cant buildings open for the public. In the near vicinity of the monastery lies the Nové Hrady Museum. The Museum off ers its visitors historical overview emphasizing signifi cant events and the persons who created them. A unique view onto the local countryside topography is off ered by the unique model of the Novohradské hory Mountains, with a scale of 1:12 500 showing an area over 500 km2